Saragih, Roni Yusuf. 2018. Pengaruh Latihan dengan Metode Shooting Free Throw Tanpa Gangguan dan Shooting Free Throw dengan Mata Tertutup Terhadap Tes Shooting Free Throw Static dan Dynamic. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing (I) Dr. Irmantara Subagio, M.Kes., dan (II) Dr. Rini Ismalasari, M.Kes.
Kata Kunci : shooting free throw static, shooting free throw dynamic, free throw tanpa gangguan, free throw dengan mata tertutup
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui metode latihan shooting free throw yang mana sangat berpengaruh terhadap tes shooting free throw static dan dynamic. Lima belas siswa yang menjadi subjek penelitian akan dilakukan pretest untuk menentukan pembagian kelompok shooting free throw tanpa gangguan, shooting free throw dengan mata tertutup dan kontrol. Pada penelitian ini akan digunakan dua instrumen tes, yaitu test shooting free throw static dan test shooting free throw dynamic. Akan diberikan latihan selama 6 minggu untuk masing-masing kelompok dan 3 kali perlakuan dalam satu minggu. Hasil uji paired sample t-testpada metode latihan shooting free throw dengan mata tertutup menunujukkan pengaruh yang signifikan pada kedua variabel yaitu variabel tes shooting free throw static dan tes shooting free throw dynamic, sedangkan kelompok shooting free throw tanpa gangguan menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan pada variabel tes shooting free throwstatic dan tes shooting free throw dynamic namun lebih berpengaruh tes shooting free throw dengan mata tertutup. Dari data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua kelompok eksperimen ini memiliki peningkatan guna meningkatkan tes shooting free throw static dan tes shooting free throw dynamic, walaupun dengan jumlah hasil rerata yang tidak sama, variabel latihan shooting free throw dengan mata tertutup terbukti mampu berpengaruh terhadap kedua variabel terikat, hal ini bisa disebabkan karena keterbatasan waktu yang ada karena penelitian ini hanya dilakukan selama 6 minggu dan sebanyak 18 kali pertemuan.
Saragih, Roni Yusuf. 2018. Effect of free throw shooting training methods without interference and shooting free throw with closed eyes to shooting tests free throw static and dynamic. Thesis. Sport education program, magister program in state university of Surabaya. Advisors: (I) Dr. Irmantara Subagio, M.Kes., dan (II) Dr. Rini Ismalasari, M.Kes.
Keywords : static free throw shooting, dynamic free throw shooting, free throw exercise without interruption, free throw exercise with eyes closed
The purpose of this research is to analyze and find out the free throw training method which is very influential on static and dynamic free throw shooting tests. Fifteen students who were the subject of the study will be pretested to determine division of a group free throw exercise without interruption, free throw exercise with eyes closed and the control group. In this research two test instruments will be used, namely static free throw test and free throw dynamic shooting test. Will be given exercise for 6 weeks of training for each group and treatment 3 times a week. Test result of paired sample t-test on the free throw shooting method with closed eyes show a significant influence on both variables free throw static shooting test variable and free throw dynamic shooting test, while uninterrupted free throw shooting groups show a significant effect on variables free throw throw shooting test and free throw dynamic shooting test but more influential free throw shooting test with closed eyes. From the data obtained it can be concluded that both experimental groups have an increase to improve the free throw static shooting test and free throw dynamic shooting test, although the average number of values is not the same, the free throw shooting method with closed eyes variable proved able to affect both dependent variables. This can be due to limited time and less treatment was only conducted for 6 weeks and 18 meetings.