Hairtonic digunakan sebagai perawatan rambut secara kering, formula hairtonic umumnya berisi bahan dasar dan bahan aktif yang berfungsi untuk memberikan nutrisi serta menguatkan akar rambut, merangsang pertumbuhan dan kesuburan rambut. Buah stroberi mengandung asam ellagic serta kaya anti oksidan yang menutrisi kulit kepala dan menjadikan rambut sehat. Tujuan penelitian 1) mengetahui sifat fisik hairtonic yang meliputi warna, aroma, homogenitas, dan kesan pemakaian, 2) mengetahui hasil hairtonic yang disukai responden, 3) mengetahui kadar pH hairtonic sesuai standart SNI. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen, variabel bebas adalah buah stroberi dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu X1 0,75 gr, X2 1 gr, dan X3 1,25 gr. Variabel terikat yaitu sifat fisik yang meliputi warna, aroma, homogenitas, kesan pemakaian dan tingkat kesukaan responden. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi oleh 31 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji one way onova. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan 1) Hasil sifat fisik hairtonic yang meliputi warna dan aroma terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan nilai rata-rata tertinggi yaitu X3 (3,03 dan 2,97) ; X2 (2,71 dan 2,68) ; X1(2,48 dan 2,32). Hasil homogenitas terdapat berbedaan secara signifikan dengan nilai rata-rata tertinggi X1 2,77 sedangkan X2 2,45 dan X3 2,35. Hasil sifat fisik kesan pemakaian terdapat persamaan secara signifikan, 2) Hasil hairtonic yang disukai responden adalah X3 dikarenakan memiliki warna dan aroma stroberi yang lebih dominan .3) Kadar pH hairtonic sesuai standard SNI adalah 3,0-7,0 sementara hasil uji kadar pH hairtonic X1 adalah 4,40, X2 adalah 4,37 dan X3 adalah 4,28 sehingga pH ketiga hairtonic sesuai dengan standard SNI.
Hairtonic is used as a dry hair treatment, hairtonic formula generally contains basic ingredients and active ingredients that function to provide nutrition and strengthen hair roots, stimulate hair growth and fertility. Strawberries contain ellagic acid and are rich in anti-oxidants that nourish the scalp and make hair healthy. The purpose of the study 1) to determine the physical properties of hairtonic which includes color, aroma, homogeneity, and impression of use, 2) to find out the results of hairtonic that the respondent likes, 3) to know the pH level of hairtonic according to the SNI standard. This type of research is experimental, the independent variable is strawberries with three treatments, namely X1 0.75 gr, X2 1 gr, and X3 1.25 gr. The dependent variable is physical properties which include color, aroma, homogeneity, impression of use and the level of preference of the respondents. The data collection technique is observation by 31 respondents. The data analysis technique used the one way ONOVA test. The results of the research show 1) The results of hairtonic physical properties which include color and aroma there are significant differences in the highest average value, namely X3 (3.03 and 2.97); X2 (2.71 and 2.68); X1(2.48 and 2.32). The results of homogeneity are significantly different with the highest average value of X1 2.77 while X2 is 2.45 and X3 is 2.35. The results of the physical properties of the impression of use have significant similarities, 2) The result of the hairtonic preferred by the respondent is X3 because it has a more dominant strawberry color and aroma. 3) The pH level of the hairtonic according to the SNI standard is 3.0-7.0 while the pH test results hairtonic X1 is 4.40, X2 is 4.37 and X3 is 4.28 so that the pH of the three hairtonic is in accordance with SNI standards.