Minum jamu ramuan Madura sebelum hari pernikahan merupakan salah satu tradisi pernikahan yang sudah ada sejak jaman nenek moyang di pulau Madura. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui 1) Faktor instrinsik/ internal dan faktor ekstrinsik/ ekternal, 2) Respon konsumen terhadap tradisi minum jamu ramuan Madura.
Subyek penelitian adalah konsumen wanita yang ada di pulau Madura khususnya konsumen wanita yang akan melangsungkan pernikahan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan angket/ kuisioner.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor instrinsik/ internal dari aspek pengetahuan 9,7%, aspek dorongan dari dalam individu (tertarik) 9,86%, aspek gaya hidup 6,32%, aspek pengalaman pribadi 10,16%, aspek kondisi keuangan 6,22%, dan aspek kepercayaan 7,44%, dengan total keseluruhan 50% yang berkategori cukup. Faktor ekstrinsik/ ekternal dari aspek motif sosial 9,38%, aspek lingkungan keluarga 9,6%, aspek lingkungan masyarakat 13,7%, dan aspek budaya 18,14%, dengan total keseluruhan 51% yang berkategori sangat baik.
Kata Kunci: Tradisi minum jamu, jamu ramuan Madura, minat konsumen
Drinking Madura herbal medicine before the wedding day is one of the wedding traditions that has existed since the time of ancestors on the Island of Madura. The purpose of this study is to determine 1) Instrinsic/ internal factors and extrinsic/ external factors, 2) Consumers responses to the tradition of drinking Madura herbal medicine.
The research subjects were some female consumers in Madura Island, especially female consumers who were going to get married. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The methods of data collection are using observation, interviews, and questionnaires.
The results showed that intrinsic/ internal factors from the aspect of knowledge is 9,7%, then from the aspects of encouragement from the individual (interested) is 9,86%, the lifestyle aspects is 6,32%, the aspects of personal experience is 10,16%, the aspects of financial condition is 6,22%, and the aspect of trust is 7,44%, with a total 50% that are categorized as sufficient. Extrinsic/ external factors from the aspect of social motives around 9,38%, the aspects of the family environment is 9,6%, the environmental aspects of the community is 13,7%, and the cultural aspects 18,14%, with a total of 51% which are categorized very well.
Keyword: tradition of drinking herbal medicine, Madura herbal medicine, consumer interest