Sestrix C. Rahabav, 2020. Evaluation
of Paud Learning in the Application of K13 with the Cipp Evaluation Model at
Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon. Thesis, Basic Education Study Program,
Concentration of Paud, Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya.
Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Wahyu Sukartiningsih, M.Pd and (II) Dr. Rachma Hasibuan,
Keywords :
Paud Learning Evaluation, K13 Application, Cipp Evaluation Model.
The objectives of this study were 1) to
determine the implementation of the eight national standard parameters of
education at Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon based on the CIPP evaluation model and
2) how to evaluate the implementation of early childhood learning in the
application of K13 at Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon. This research design is a
descriptive research type, with a qualitative approach. This research variable
is a single variable, namely the evaluation of PAUD learning in the application
of K13 with the CIPP evaluation model. The research subjects were the principal
and 6 teachers of Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon. The data collection techniques
used was interviews, observation, and documentation study. The data analysis
technique used in this study refers to the concept of Milles & Huberman,
(1992: 20), which is an interactive model that classifies data analysis in four
stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion. The results showed: First, Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon already has
an organizational structure and school work procedures that are described in
job descriptions; Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon already has RENSTRA and RKT
documents as well as a vision and mission that determines the school's policies
and programs implemented with measurable performance criteria and standards;
Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon already has a national curriculum document; RPPM
and RPPH are references for teachers to carry out learning activities and Xaverius
Kindergarten Ambon has achieved accreditation of an A rating. Second, Xaverius Kindergarten
Ambon has a very ideal teacher to child ratio (1: 18.5). As many as 7 teachers
(87%) qualify for S1 and only 1 person (12%) qualify for high school (while
continuing studies at Terbuka University). Competence, the teachers are
generally in the PAUD field; supported by work experience of most teachers 10
years and over. The trend of children's input and its population in the last 3
years has tended to decline, in line with the presence of 3 other superior
kindergartens in Ambon City. Third, teachers at Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon in
the learning process achieved a high Process score of 93%. Fourth, the output
of Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon has good academic and non-academic achievements,
for that Xaverius Kindergarten Ambon have high competitiveness to be accepted as
one of the favourite schools in Ambon City. This has given a positive image to
parents and even the general public. Fifth, several weaknesses were found in
the Process dimension: 1) the teacher had not conducted regular evaluations at
the end of each discussion unit, there was a mismatch between the RPPH document
and the questions and the teacher did not have a good understanding of
authentic assessment; 2) there is any inconsistency between RPPH and the
learning material presented by the teacher; 3) Teachers have not been able to
use the K13 learning approach (scientific approach); 4) The ability to use APE,
sometimes not according to the potential/talent, age, and level of child