Negosiasi Identitas Budaya dan Identitas Religius di Kalangan Perempuan Muslim Jawa Pengguna Jasa Dukun
Negotiating Cultural and Religious Identities: The Javanese Muslim Women Who Use Shamanistic Services
Beragama Islam tetapi memakai jasa dukun membuat sebagian muslim Indonesia mengalami kontradiksi dan ambivalensi. Penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini berupaya memahami mengapa sebagian muslimah Jawa menggunakan jasa dukun dan bagaimana mereka menegosiasikan kontradiksi antara identitas budaya sebagai orang Jawa dan identitas religius sebagai muslimah. Data penelitian dijaring melalui wawancara dengan enam responden, yakni tiga muslimah Jawa dan tiga significant others mereka. Analisis tematik atas data memunculkan lima tema kunci, yakni latar belakang kehidupan subjek, profil identitas religius subjek, profil identitas budaya subjek, keputusan untuk memanfaatkan jasa dukun, dan upaya mendamaikan pertentangan dua identitas. Penelitian ini tiba pada satu kesimpulan utama: sadar bahwa meminta bantuan dukun bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, ketiga muslimah Jawa tersebut mewajarkan tindakan mereka dengan menggarisbawahi aspek-aspek positifnya.
Kata kunci: identitas, budaya Jawa, Islam, dukun
Being a Muslim and using the services of a dukun (shaman) may cause some Indonesian Muslims to experience a contradiction and an ambivalence. This qualitative psychological research explored the reasons why Javanese Muslim women used the services of a shaman and the ways in which they sought to reconcile their cultural identity as Javanese and their religious identity as Muslims. Data for this research was collected through interviews with a total of six respondents: three Javanese Muslim women and three significant others. The thematic analysis performed on the data uncovered five central themes: the social backgrounds of the three main respondents, their cultural identities, their religious identities, their decisions to get the help of a shaman, and how they negotiated the clash of their two identities. This research concluded that awareness of the conflict between cultural identity and religious identity motivated the three main respondents to justify their use of shamanistic services by highlighting what appeared to them as the action’s positive aspects.
Keywords: ethnic identity, religious identity, Javanese culture, Islam, shaman.