Imansari, Febrina
2019. Effect of Income Levels, Social Environment, Psychological Factors, and
Economic Literacy on Workers' Consumption Behavior in Rungkut Kidul Urban
Village, Surabaya. Thesis , Economic
Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Advisor: (I)
Prof. Dr. H Ady Soejoto, S.E., M.Sc., and (II) Dr. Harti, M.Sc.
Key words : Income level,
social environment, psychological factors, economic literacy, consumption
This study aims
to analyze the effect of income levels on employee consumption behavior, to
analyze the influence of the social environment on employee consumption
behavior, to analyze the influence of psychological factors on employee
consumption behavior, to analyze the effect of economic literacy on employee
consumption behavior, to analyze the influence of income levels social,
psychological factors and economic literacy on the consumption behavior of
workers in Rungkut Kidul Urban Village, Surabaya.
quantitative approach research is associative research with a sample of 103
respondents from workers in Rungkut Kidul Urban Village, Surabaya. The data
collection technique in this study used a questionnaire to determine income
levels, social environment, psychological factors, economic literacy and worker
consumption behavior, documentation to obtain research photos.
Based on the
data analysis, it can be concluded that the income level has a negative and
significant effect on the consumption behavior of workers in Rungkut Kidul
Urban Village, Surabaya. The social environment has no influence on workers'
consumption behavior in Surabaya Rungkut Kidul Village, Psychological Factors
have a positive and significant influence on consumption behavior workers in
Rungkut Kidul Urban Village Surabaya, Economic Literacy has a positive and
significant influence on workers' consumption behavior in Surabaya Rungkut
Kidul Village, income level variables, social environment, psychological
factors, economic literacy simultaneously have an influence on the consumption
behavior of workers in Rungkut Kidul Urban Village Surabaya .