Perancangan Sosialisasi Animasi Explainer Mencegah Perpecahan Milenial Pasca Pemilu 2019 di Surabaya
The Design of Explainer Animation Socialization Prevents The Split of Millennials After the 2019 Election in Surabaya
Negara Indonesia adalah negara kesatuan yang berbentuk republik. Setiap 5 tahun sekali Indonesia mengadakan Pemilu untuk memilih kandidat calon pemerintah. Disetiap pemilu selalu munculbeberapa pihak/golongan yang saling bermusuhan baik karena perbedaan pilihan afiliasi politik. Sehingga dibutuhkan edukasi kepada masyarakat untuk mencegah permusuhan tersebut. Perancangan video animasi explainerini bertujuan untuk kembali mempererat kebersamaan antar individu dan mengantisipasi potensi perpecahan di masyarakat melalui media video animasi explainer. Media sosialisasi ini dipilih karena tingkat efektivitasnyaditerima masyarakat.Penelitianmenggunakan penelitian pengembangan, denganpendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil perancangan berupa video animasi explainer sebagai media sosialisasi untuk mencegah perpecahan dikalangan milenialpasca pemilu 2019 di Surabaya.
Indonesia is a unitary state and the form of Its government is a republic. Every 5 years Indonesia holds elections to decide government candidates.In every elections, there are always several groups that are opposite to each other both in the short and long term.So that socialization is needed to prevent such hostility.The design of this animated video explainer aims to strengthen each individuals who have begun to fade. Due to the level of its effectivenessthat well received by the public, this research occupied the animated video explainer as the socialization media. This research method occupied descriptive qualitative approach as a data collection technique.The result of this design is a video animation explainer as a media for socialization to prevent national disunity among millennials after the 2019 elections in Surabaya.