Toxic Femininity terhadap Perempuan dalam Film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu) oleh Xīn Yùkūn《忻钰坤》
Toxic Femininity Towards Women in the Film "Trending Topic" 《热搜》(Rè Sōu) by Xīn Yùkūn《忻钰坤》
Feminisme merupakan gerakan perjuangan yang dilatarbelakangi oleh perempuan dalam memperjuangkan haknya untuk mendapatkan keadilan antargender dalam masyarakat. Sedangkan toxic femininity mengacu agar perempuan bersikap kooperatif, pasif, tunduk secara seksual, lembut, dan dipandang dari kecantikan fisik dan cara memperlakukan laki-laki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis toxic femininity beserta dampak toxic femininity yang terjadi dalam film menggunakan kajian feminisme radikal. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi: (1) Bagaimana wujud toxic femininity yang dialami tokoh Chén Miào《陈妙》dalam film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu), (2) Bagaimana wujud toxic femininity yang dialami tokoh Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》dalam film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu), (3) Bagaimana dampak toxic femininity yang dialami tokoh Chén Miào《陈妙》dalam film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu), dan (4) Bagaimana dampak toxic femininity yang dialami tokoh Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》dalam film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu). Fokus penelitian berupa tokoh Chén Miào《陈妙》dan Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》 yang mengalami toxic femininity dan dampak dari toxic femininity tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan disertai pendekatan feminisme radikal. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan wujud toxic femininity berupa data kekerasan (secara psikis dan seksual), stereotripe bersifat negatif, dan subordinasi yang terjadi pada Chén Miào 《陈妙》dan Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》dalam film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu) juga dampak toxic femininity yang terjadi pada Chén Miào 《陈妙》dan Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》dalam film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu) berupa dampak psikologis, dampak ekonomi, dan dampak sosial.
Kata Kunci : Feminisme, Toxic Femininity, Film, Trending Topic
Feminism is a women-empowered movement advocating for rights to achieve societal gender justice. In comparison, toxic femininity refers to the expectation for women to be cooperative, passive, sexually submissive, soft, and evaluated based on physical beauty and how they treat men. This research aims to analyze toxic femininity and its impact as portrayed in the film using a radical feminism approach. The research questions addressed in this study include: (1) What are the types of toxic femininity experienced by the character Chén Miào《陈妙》in the film "Trending Topic" 《热搜》(Rè Sōu), and (2) What are the types of toxic femininity experienced by the character Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》 in the film "Trending Topic" 《热搜》(Rè Sōu), (3) What is the impact of toxic femininity experienced by the character Chén Miào《陈妙》in the film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu), and (4) What is the impact of toxic femininity experienced by the character Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》in the film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu). This study focuses on the characters Chén Miào《陈妙》and Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》who experience toxic femininity and the impacts of such femininity. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method accompanied by a radical feminism approach. The findings of this study reveal instances of violence (both verbal and sexual), negative stereotyping, and subordination experienced by the characters Chén Miào《陈妙》and Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》 in the film "Trending Topic" 《热搜》(Rè Sōu), and the psychological, economic, and social impacts of toxic femininity on Chén Miào《陈妙》and Zhāng Xiǎosuì《张小穗》in the film Trending Topic《热搜》(Rè Sōu).
Keywords: Feminism, Toxic Femininity, Film, Trending Topic