The rote memorization method is one method
of memorizing the Qur'an that is used when memorizing the Qur'an. This method
has existed and has been used since the time of the Ottoman Empire's caliphate.
One of the institutions that uses this method as a method for memorizing is the
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School which is based in Turkey and has spread
all over the world, and one of them is in Indonesia, especially in the
Sulaimaniyah Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya. The data
analysis used by the researcher is by means of a qualitative descriptive
approach, where this qualitative description describes, describes, or describes
a situation in the field or a situation from various variables. This study aims
to provide an overview of the application of the round rote method in an effort
to improve the results of memorizing the Qur'an of the students of the
Tahfidzul Qur'an Sulaimaniyah Islamic boarding school in Surabaya and the
supporting factors or inhibiting factors of the application of the round rote
method in an effort to improve the results of memorizing the Qur'an an Islamic
boarding school student Tahfidzul Qur'an Sulaimaniyah Surabaya. The results of
the study explain that this method is a unique method that has existed since
the time of the Ottoman Turks. In addition, in the process of memorizing it,
where the process of memorizing it is by starting memorization from the last
page of each juz in the Qur'an. When all the last pages in each chapter have
been completed, then one round is complete. This process continues until it
reaches the start page of each juz in the Qur'an, and it has reached 20 rounds
where 20 rounds means that 30 Juz in the Qur'an have been completely memorized.
At least the students are able to memorize the Qur'an using this memorization
method can memorize the Qur'an for 3 years. The second result that describes
the inhibiting and supporting factors in the process of memorizing the Qur'an
of the students is 1). The inhibiting factors experienced by students in the
process of memorizing the Qur'an are lack of patience, and inappropriate
intentions, so that they can make students unable to achieve the targets set by
the boarding school. In addition to lack of patience and inaccurate intentions,
there are several other factors that hinder students in the process of
memorizing the Qur'an, namely not getting the blessing of their parents, inner
conflicts or conflicts between individuals and other individuals, causing
various kinds of thoughts. thoughts that are able to make students unable to
concentrate in the process of memorizing the Qur'an. 2). The inhibiting factors
are several supporting factors that can improve or help students to make it
easier for the process of memorizing the Qur'an, namely multiply dhikr and
wirit in life, multiply prayer, multiply read the Qur'an by means of bin-nadhar
or by watching without memorizing it, eating food that does not contain
doubtful elements in it, increasing interactions with abi/educators as second
parents while at Islamic boarding schools, being patient, and also improving
intentions. With these factors, the students will find it easier in the process
of memorizing the Qur'an.
Keywords: The application of the method
of memorizing, memorizing the Al-Qur’an