Variety Show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby merupakan salah satu acara hiburan di televisi China yang di dalamnya terdapat tindak tutur ilokusi direktif. Tindak tutur merupakan tuturan yang mengandung tindakan tersirat. Tindak tutur yang tidak hanya terbatas untuk tujuan menyampaikan informasi saja tetapi juga dibarengi maksud lain di baliknya disebut tindak tutur ilokusi. Jika maksud lain tersebut merupakan keinginan untuk membuat orang lain melakukan sesuatu maka ia tindak tutur ilokusi direktif.
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada tiga rumusan masalah, yakni (1) bagaimanakah bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam variety show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3; (2) bagaimanakah faktor yang melatar belakangi penggunaan tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam variety show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3; dan (3) Bagaimanakah fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam variety show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori tindak tutur oleh Ibrahim dan Leech. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah variety show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3. Data penelitian berupa kutipan tuturan semua pengisi acara yang mengandung unsur tinda tutur ilokusi direktif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan merupakan teknik simak bebas libat cakap dan teknik catat.
Hasil dari penelitian ini (1) bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam variety show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3 paling banyak ditemukan adalah bentuk perintah sebesar 43%; (2) faktor yang melatar belakangi tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam variety show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3 paling banyak adalah faktor penutur dan lawan tutur sebesar 31.58%; dan (3) fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam variety show 《放开我北鼻》Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3 paling banyak ditemukan adalah fungsi kompetitif sebanyak 51%.
《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby is one of the entertainment shows on Chinese television in which there is an illocutionary directive speech act. Speech act is speech that contains implied action. Speech acts that are not only limited for the purpose of conveying information but are also accompanied by other intentions behind it, called illocutionary speech acts. If the other intention is a desire to make someone else do something then he acts illocular directive.
This research is focused on three problem formulations, namely (1) how the form of directive illocutionary speech acts in variety shows 《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3; (2) what are the factors underlying the use of directive illocutionary acts in variety shows 《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3; and (3) What is the directional illocutionary speech act function in the variety show 《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The theory used is speech act theory by Ibrahim and Leech. The data source of this research is the variety show 《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3. The research data is in the form of a quote from all the performers who contain an illocutionary directive speech element. The data collection technique used is a free engagements and competent note taking technique.
The results of this study (1) the form of directive illocutionary speech acts in variety shows《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3 were most commonly found in the form of orders by 43%; (2) the factors underlying the directive illocutionary acts of speech in variety shows《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3 are the most factors of speakers and interlocutors by 31.58%; and (3) the illocutionary directive speech act function in variety shows《放开 我 北鼻》 Let Go of My Baby season 3 episode 3 was most found as competitive functions as much as 51%.