The research on the development of this picture book is motivated by three factors
which are the results of the identification of potentials and problems
Gresik Regency has the superiority of
the Pamiluto Ceplokan batik motif, class III
students of MI Nurul Jadid Gresik have high enthusiasm in the thematic lesson "Decorative
Learning" , there are no picture story
books that can be used as learning media. The research objective is to describe the picture book development process, the application process,
and its effectiveness.
The development of a pictorial story book about the Pamiluto
Ceplokan batik motif adapting the Borg & Gall development model by going through seven
stages, namely: identification of potentials and problems, data collection, product design, product validation, design
revision, trial use, and limited production. To achieve the above objectives, this study uses data collection methods in the form of
interviews, distribution of questionnaires,
distribution of pre test, post test, observation, documentation, data validity, product validation.