This study aims to obtain a
significant positive relationship between locus of control, soft skills and
industrial work experience, both partially (respectively) and jointly with job
readiness in vocational students of the Electrical Power Installation
Engineering Skills Program in the City/Regency of Mojokerto.
This type of research is ex
post facto with a research population of TITL class XII students in the City /
Regency of Mojokerto, amounting to 414 students. The number of samples used a
random technique of 164 students with details of 11 students of SMK Raden
Patah, 73 students of SMK Taman Siswa, 8 students of SMK Angkasa, 48
students of SMKN 1 Jatirejo and 24 students of SMKN 1
Pungging. The data collection technique was in the form of a questionnaire for
the locus of control variable (X1), soft skills (X2) and industrial work
practice experience (X3). Meanwhile, the work readiness variable includes three
domains, namely work readiness in terms of learning outcomes in the cognitive
domain with test questions, job readiness in terms of learning outcomes in the
affective domain with questionnaires and job readiness in terms of learning
outcomes in the psychomotor domain with performance tests. The data analysis
technique is divided into two, namely the prerequisite test of data analysis
and hypothesis testing. The analysis prerequisite test includes the normality
test, the linearity test, the multicollinearity test, and the homoscedasticity
and autocorrelation test. Meanwhile, the hypothesis test uses multiple
regression tests with the help of SPPS 23 for windows software.
The results of this study are (1) there is a
significant positive relationship between locus of control and job readiness
(with a value of sig. 0.012 in terms of learning outcomes in the cognitive
domain, with a value of sig. 0.018 in terms of learning outcomes in the
affective domain and with a value of sig. 0.046 in terms of from learning
outcomes in the psychomotor domain), (2) there is a significant positive
relationship between soft skills and job readiness (with a value of sig. 0.013
in terms of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain, with a value of sig.
0.005 in terms of learning outcomes in the affective domain and with a value of
sig. 0.040 in terms of psychomotor learning outcomes), (3) there is a
significant positive relationship between industrial work practice experience
and job readiness (with a value of sig. 0.045 in terms of learning outcomes in
the cognitive domain, with a sig. 0.048 value in terms of learning outcomes in
the affective and with a value of sig. 0.000 in terms of psychomotor learning
outcomes), and (4) there is a significant positive relationship between ra
locus of control, soft skills and industrial work experience together with job
readiness (with a value of sig. 0.000 in terms of cognitive learning outcomes,
with a value of sig. 0.000 in terms of affective learning outcomes, and with a
value of sig. 0.000 in terms of learning outcomes in the psychomotor domain of
students of SMK Electrical Power Installation Engineering Skills Program in the
City/Regency of Mojokerto.
Keywords: locus of control, soft skills,
apprenticeship, job readiness, SMK Electric Power Installation Engineering
Expertise Program, City, Mojokerto Regency.