Rancang Bangun Sistem Online Judge dan Pendeteksian Plagiarisme Menggunakan Arsitektur Serverless
Design and Build Online Judge Systems and Detect Plagiarism Using Serverless Architecture
Some universities have made Informatics as a department that can be selected by prospective students. One of the basic skills that must be possessed by Informatics students is the ability to write program code. The development of science and technology will increasingly require students to be able to write more complicated program code. The program code evaluation process that is carried out manually by the teaching lecturer is no longer able to follow this development, because it considers the number of students and the number of lines of code that must be checked. Therefore an online judge system is needed that can evaluate the program code of student work. In this study, the online judge system was built using the Judge0 API. Algortima Sherlock N-Overlap in this system is able to detect plagiarism more effectively than JPlag and SIM tools, with a harmonic average value of more than 0.8 with a threshold of 10 to 90 in the known similarity scenario. While the Unknown Similarity scenario with a threshold of 50 to 90 produces a harmonic average value of more than 0.89. This system was built using serverless architecture. The system is divided into 2 parts so that the burden on the system to serve user requests is lighter. So the online judge system can handle user requests up to an average of 15,000 users very well.