Name : Deavy Wulandari Putry
Study Program : S1-Office Administration Education
Department : Economic Education
Fa c ult y : Economic
Institution : Universitas
Negeri Surabaya
Advisor : Meylia
Elizabeth Ranu, S.Pd, M.SM.
study aims to know learning media development of snake and ladders educational
game and to find out students learning motivation development in procedures in
receiving guests of XII grader in SMK Negeri 2 Tuban. The development model
that was used in this study is 4D that have four stages which are defining,
designing, developing and distributing (Thiagarajan et al., 1974: 5). However,
this study carried out up to the development stage and did not carry out the
distribution stage as the researcher only conducted limited trials that exclude
the experimental process of the snake and ladders educational game as media.
The subjects of this study were two material experts, one learning media
experts, and twenty students of XII APK 2 students in SMK Negeri 2 Tuban. The
result of the study showed that snake and ladders educational game obtained 86%
of material feasibility, 86,7% of learning media feasibility and 95,3% of
students responses toward the developed media with an overall score that is
considered very strong. The result also showed that the media of snake and
ladders educational game in procedures of receiving guests basic competence
could increase students learning motivation by 37,05% with its previous
motivation level of 56,65% of sufficient category improved to 93,70% of the
very strong category. In conclusion, the media of snake and ladders educational
game is worth to be applied in the learning process and also to increase
students learning motivation.
Keywords: Learning Media, Snake and Ladders
Educational Game, Learning