Kain goni terbuat dari serat rosella yang memiliki warna dan tekstur yang memberi kesan natural. Kain goni tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai aplikasi pada tote bag. Untuk perlakuan kaku pada aplikasi kain goni, penguat yang digunakan adalah lem kayu dengan berat lem kayu 50 gram, 250 gram, 500 gram. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil jadi aplikasi kain goni dengan berat lem kayu 50 gram, 250 gram, 500 gram pada tote bag dan pengaruh berat lem kayu terhadap hasil jadi aplikasi kain goni pada tote bag ditinjau dari aspek kekakuan aplikasi kain goni, bentuk aplikasi kain goni, kerapian aplikasi kain goni.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, variabel bebas yaitu berat lem kayu 50 gram, 250 gram dan 500 gram. Variabel terikat yaitu hasil jadi aplikasi goni ditinjau dari aspek kekakuan, bentuk, kerapian. Variabel kontrol yaitu desain aplikasi goni, lem kayu, kain goni, bahan pelarut, proses perendaman, pengeringan, tote bag. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, dengan mengambil sampel dari 30 observer, meliputi 5 obsever dosen tata busana dan 25 observer mahasiswa tata busana. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar observasi dengan memberikan tanda check list pada beberapa aspek yaitu kekakuan aplikasi kain goni, bentuk aplikasi kain goni, dan kerapian aplikasi kain goni. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistic anova tunggal dengan bantuan SPSS 24.
Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil jadi aplikasi kain goni dengan berat lem kayu 50 gram, 250 gram dan 500 gram pada tote bag menggunakan perhitungan statistik anova tunggal diperoleh α 0,00 < 0,05 hal ini berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan berat lem kayu terhadap hasil jadi aplikasi kain goni. Terdapat pengaruh berat lem kayu terhadap hasil jadi aplikasi kaih goni ditinjau dari aspek kekakuan aplikasi kain goni, bentuk aplikasi kain goni, kerapian aplikasi kain goni menunjukkan bahwa hasil jadi aplikasi kain goni dengan berat lem kayu 500 gram dengan nilai mean tertinggi sebesar 3,71, untuk berat lem kayu 250 gram dengan nilai mean sebesar 3,46, untuk lem kayu 50 gram dengan nilai mean terendah sebesar 2,83.
Burlap made of fiber rosella which has color and texture which gives the impression of natural. Burlap can be utilized as an application on a tote bag. For rigid treatment on Burlap, amplifier applications used are wood glue wood glue with a weight of 50 g, 250 g, 500 g. The purpose of this research is to find out how the results so the application of burlap with heavy wood glue 50 g, 250 g, 500 g on a tote bag and heavy influence of wood glue against the results so the application of burlap on tote reviewed aspects of stiffness applications Burlap, Burlap, application form tidiness burlap applications.
This type of research is experimental, free variable, namely the weight of wood glue 50 gram, 250 gram and 500 gram. Variable that is the result of application of burlap so aspects of stiffness, shape, tidiness. The control variables i.e. application design Burlap, Burlap, wood glue, solvents, process of soaking, drying, tote bag. Method of collecting data using the method of observation, by taking a sample of 30 observer, includes 5 fashion and hairdressing lecturer obsever 25 observer fashion hairdressing students. Research instrument in the form of sheets of observation by providing sign check list on some aspect of IE stiffness applications application forms of Burlap, Burlap, burlap applications and tidiness. Technique of data analysis using anova statistics "single with the help of SPSS 24.
Based on this study it can be concluded that the results of so application burlap with heavy wood glue 50 gram, 250 gram and 500 gram on a tote bag using the anova statistical calculation of the single gained 0.05 0.00 < α this means there are significant effects the weight of the wood glue against the results so the application of burlap. There is a heavy influence of wood glue against the results so the application of aspects of the burlap kaih stiffness applications application forms of Burlap, Burlap, burlap application neatness pointed out that the results of so application burlap with a weight of 500 grams with wood glue the highest mean value of 3.71, for a weight of 250 grams of wood glue with a mean of 3.46, to glue the wood 50 grams with the lowest mean values of 2.83.