The objectives of this study are (1) Developing video media that is suitable for use in learning the subject matter of rectifier subjects in electricity and electronics basics for 10th grade students of the TAV Department at KAL 1 Surabaya Vocational School, and (2) Developing effective video media in improving results learning the subject matter of rectifiers in the basics of electricity and electronics for 10th grade students of the TAV Department at KAL 1 Surabaya Vocational School. The selection of instructional video media is based on the alignment of media characteristics with the material presented. Some characteristics of instructional video media are in line with the characteristics of the material, namely, learning videos are able to explain a process, explain complicated concepts, and teach skills. More specifically, the advantage of video media in learning is, being able to visualize an accurate procedure that can be seen continuously. such as procedural material (Arsyad, 2013: 50).
This study applies a development research method that applies the ADDIE pattern strategy which has five main stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The trial design used in this study is Quasi Experimental Design in the form of Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Research data were collected using interview techniques, questionnaires, and tests. Questionnaire and interview data analysis was processed using percentage measurements, while the analysis of pre-test and post-test results was processed using the Mann-Whitney U Test technique.
From the validation process by learning design experts, material experts, media experts and individual trials as well as small group trials, the feasibility level of instructional video media produces very decent assessment criteria. Thus, the developed instructional video media is suitable for use in learning the subject matter of rectifiers in the basics of electricity and electronics for 10th grade students of the TAV Department at KAL 1 Surabaya Vocational School. Then the post-test data analysis is performed, it is known that U1 with a value of 0 is smaller than U2,, so U1 is set as Ucount. Then to test the effectiveness of the use of instructional video media developed, the value of Ucount is compared with the value of Utable at the significant level (α) 5% while n1 and n2 are equal to 20. The results show that Ucount < Utable = 0 <127, so H0 is rejected or H1 is accepted. Likewise with the average value of the different experimental group (Mx) of 47.7, and the average value of the difference of the control group (My) of 14.4. So that shows an increase in learning outcomes in the group that received treatment (experimental group) higher than the group that did not receive treatment (control group). Thus it can be concluded that the learning video media with the title "Assembling Fullwave Power Supply" can be used effectively in rectifier material learning activities supported by post-test data analysis results that prove to be able to improve the learning outcomes of 10th grade students of the TAV Department at KAL I Surabaya Vocational School.
Keywords: Development Research, Media, Instructional Video, Learning Outcomes