Slang dalam Video Youtube Mandarin Corner: Kajian Morfosemantik
Slang in Mandarin Corner Youtube Video: Morphosemantic Study
Researching the phenomenon of a language will never run out, because language speakers themselves are a group that comes from various backgrounds. And along with the times, a language also always creates new phenomena in it. One of the most interesting language phenomena to study is slang or what people usually know as slang. The slang that will be studied in this article is Chinese slang. Chinese slang in this article will be reviewed in terms of morphology, semantics, and functions of its use. The data source is taken from the YouTube video of the "Mandarin Corner" account with the data taken in the form of slang. Most of the slang forms studied were words and one phrase. This study aims to determine how the process of formation, meaning and function of the use of slang in the YouTube video "Mandarin Corner" account. This research is a type of qualitative research because the research data is in the form of Chinese slang, and the research results are described in the form of a description. While the research method used is descriptive method, because this study aims to describe the process of formation, meaning, and function of using Chinese slang. Based on data analysis, the results found include: (1) The process of forming Chinese slang in the YouTube video of the "Mandarin Corner" account includes absorption of other languages or borrowing, composition/combination, and the results of human creativity in the form of a combination of composition and abbreviations; (2) The meaning of Chinese slang in the YouTube video of the “Mandarin Corner” account is presented based on lexical or literal meaning and meaning, because of the use of language style, namely slang; (3) The function of using Chinese slang in the YouTube video of the “Mandarin Corner” account includes emotive and metalinguistic functions.
Keywords: Chinese Slang, Morphology, Semantics, Slang Usage Functions, Youtube Videos