Based on the facts, the scientific literacy skills of Indonesian
students are still low. Scientific literacy skills can be developed by
conducting learning that refers to the culture. The membrane transport material
is applicable. For this reason, it is necessary
to develop an ethnoscience-based e-LKPD to train scientific literacy skills. The purpose of this research is to produce an ethnoscience based on
valid, practical, and effective electronic student worksheet (e-LKPD) to train
scientific literacy skills. This research used a 4D model (define, design,
development, and disseminate). The data was obtained by using validation,
observation, test, and questionnaire. The trial was carried out on 20 students
of XI MIPA 6 SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. The validity of the e-LKPD is measured from
the validation by the validator, the practicality is measured from the
observation of students’ activities while using the e-LKPD, the effectiveness is
measured from the learning outcomes of scientific literacy skills and student
responses. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the validity was 98.37% in the very valid category, the practicality was
97.15% in the very practical category, the completeness of learning outcomes of
scientific literacy skills was 100% in the very effective category, the
achievement of scientific literacy indicators was 85.8% in the very good
category, and the student response scored 94% in the effective category. Based
on these results, e-LKPD that was developed can be declared valid, practical,
and effective as a learning resource to train scientific literacy skills.
Keywords : electronic student worksheet (e-LKPD), ethnoscience,
scientific literacy skills, membrane transport