Berpikir kreatif seringkali disebut sebagai berpikir secara divergen, karena hanya dimulai dari satu permasalahan, tetapi dalam pemecahannya dilakukan secara meluas dan memiliki banyak kemungkinan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) pada materi sifat koligatif larutan untu melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa SMA kelas XII yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Validitas LKS ditinjau dari validasi dosen kimia dan guru kimia, kepraktisan LKS ditinjau dari respon siswa, dan keefektifan LKS ditinjau dari tes pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan desain pengembangan R&D yang meliputi (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba produk (secara terbatas). Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas XII MAN Sidoarjo dan terbatas hanya 12 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKS yang dikembangkan mendapatkan persentase sebesar 80,22% pada keriteria isi, kriteria kebahasaan sebesar 80,67%, kriteria penyajian sebesar 80,00%, dan kriteria kegrafisan sebesar 83,33%. Persentase kepraktisan LKS pada kriteria isi sebesar 93,33%, kriteria kebahasaan sebesar 91,67%, kriteria penyajian sebesar 91,67%, dan kriteria kegrafisan sebesar 97,92%. Keefektifan LKS berdasarkan tes pengetahuan yaitu siswa yang diujikan telah melebihi batas KKM (≥ 77) dan persentase tes keterampilan berpikir kreatif pada karakteristik berpikir lancar sebesar 82,64%, berpikir luwes sebesar 84,45%, berpikir rinci sebesar 88,89%, dan orisinalitas sebesar 90,28%. Dengan demikian hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LKS yang dikembangkan valid, praktis, dan efektif.
Kata Kunci: LKS, Model pembelajaran, Keterampilan berpikir kreatif
Creative thinking is often referred to as divergent thinking, because it only starts from one problem, but the solution is done widely and has many possibilities. The purpose of this study is to produce student worksheets on valid, practical and effective colligative properties of the solution. The validity of worksheet is evaluated from the validation of chemistry lecturers and chemistry teachers, the practicality of worksheet is evaluated from the students' responses, and the effectiveness of worksheet is evaluated from the knowledge and skills test. This research is a development study using the R&D development design includes: (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) product testing (limited). This research was conducted in twelfth grade of MAN Sidoarjo students and limited to only 12 students. The results of the research showed that the developed worksheets gain a percentage of 80.22% in the content criteria, the linguistic criteria was 80.67%, the presentation criteria was 80.00%, and the criteria for graphics were 83.33%. The percentage of LKS practicality on the content criteria was 93.33%, the linguistic criteria were 91.67%, the presentation criteria were 91.67%, and the criteria for graphics were 97.92%. The effectiveness of LKS based on knowledge tests are the students tested have exceeded the KKM limit (≥ 77) and the percentage of creative thinking skills tests on the characteristics of fluent thinking is 82.64%, flexible thinking is 84.45%, detailed thinking is 88.89%, and originality of 90.28%. Thus the results of this study indicate that the developed worksheet is valid, practical, and effective.
Keywords: Student worksheet, Learning models, Creative thinking skills