Terbatasnya penggunaan bahan ajar dalam pembelajaran dan problematika yang dialami oleh siswa serta guru untuk membuat sebuah bahan ajar menarik yang mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian pengembangan ini. Peneliti mengajukan perbaikan berupa pengembangan bahan ajar handout pada pembaruan materi kolase berbasis bahan alam. Tujuan dari penelitian dini adalah (1) Mengetahui spesifikasi bahan ajar handout materi karya seni kolase berbasis bahan alam untuk kelas IV sekolah dasar (2) Mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar handout materi karya seni kolase berbasis bahan alam untuk kelas IV sekolah dasar (3) Mengetahui tanggapan kebutuhan siswa dan guru mengenai penggunaan bahan ajar handout materi karya seni kolase berbasis bahan alam untuk kelas IV sekolah dasar. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan populasi siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar dan menggunakan sampel 10 orang siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar yang ada di lingkungan sekitar rumah peneliti. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu lembar angket validasi materi dan desain, lembar angket respon siswa dan guru serta lembar observasi. Lalu teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data hasil angket validasi materi dan desain, hasil observasi, hasil angket respon siswa dan guru.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan bahan ajar ini mengadopsi dari model desain ADDIE Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation).
Pengembangan bahan ajar ini telah menghasilkan produk berupa bahan ajar handout materi karya seni kolase berbasis bahan alam untuk kelas IV sekolah dasar. Dari hasil validasi materi memperoleh persentase 97%, validasi desain memperoleh persentase 90%, hasil observasi memperoleh persentase 93%, angket respon siswa memperoleh persentase 90% dan angket respon guru memperoleh persentase 91%. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar handout yang dikembangkan telah layak dan memperoleh respon positif dari siswa dan guru.
Kata Kunci: Bahan Ajar Handout, Pengembangan, Kolase Bahan Alam
Limited use of teaching materials in learning and the problems experienced by students and teachers to make an interesting teaching materials that encourage researchers to conduct this reseach development. The researchers propose improvements in the form of developing teaching materials on handouts about renewing collage materials based on natural ingredients. The purpose of this research is (1) Knowing the handout teaching material specifications on the material collage artwork based on natural ingredients for grade IV elementary school, (2) Knowing the handout teaching material feasibility on the material collage artwork based on natural ingredients for grade IV elementary school, (3) Knowing responses to the need of students and teachers regarding the use the handout teaching material on the material collage artwork based on natural ingredients for grade IV elementary school. In this research using a population of grade IV elementary school students and using a sample of 10 grade IV elementary school students in the environment around the researcher's home. The research instruments used were material and design validation questionnaire sheets, student and teacher response questionnaire sheets and observation sheets. Then the data analysis technique used is the results of the material and design validation questionnaire data, the observation data, the questionnaire results of student and teacher responses.
This research uses research and development methods. The design used in the research and development of this teaching material is from the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation).
The development of this teaching material has produced in a product in the form of the handout teaching material on the material collage artwork based on natural ingredients for grade IV elementary school. From the results of the validation of the material obtained a percentage of 97%, design validation obtained a percentage of 90%, observation data obtained percentage of 93%, the student questionnaire responses obtained a percentage of 90% and the teacher questionnaire responses obtained a percentage of 91% and. From the results of the study showed that the handout teaching material developed was feasible and received positive responses from students and teachers.
Keywords: Teaching Material Handout, Development, Collage of Natural Ingredients