Self-worth of the Outsourced Security Unit in the Campus Environment
Dengan menerapkan pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap gambaran self-worth pada tenaga satuan pengamanan alih daya di lingkungan kampus. Data studi ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan sejumlah partisipan penelitian, yakni tiga tenaga satuan pengamanan alih daya yang telah bekerja lebih dari tiga tahun. Teknik interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) atas data terkumpul memperlihatkan bahwa self-worth para partisipan cenderung rendah. Ini karena pandangan mereka tentang profesi, serta perasaan diri mereka dalam kaitan dengan profesi, tidak kondusif. Ditemukan pula adanya interaksi antara ability dan effort dalam pembentukan self-worth. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa usaha dan kemauan ketiga partisipan belum didukung oleh kemampuan.
Using the phenomenological approach, this qualitative psychological research aims to discover and understand self-worth among outsourced campus security guards. Data for this research was collected through interviews with three outsourced security guards who had been working on campus for more than three years. The Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) performed on the data showed that the security guards had self-worth levels, which resulted from unfavorable perceptions of the profession, unfavorable self-feelings toward the profession, and the existence of barriers to selfworth. The research also discovered the interaction of ability and effort in the formation of self-worth. In conclusion, individuals lacking relevant abilities and skills may still exhibit enthusiasm and hard work, but they have difficulty developing a sense of self-worth.